Monday, October 27, 2008

back in the land of "eaters"

Well, let me just say that the gift of fasting is the glory of tasting the foods you missed. Never a big fan of OJ, the fresh squeezed OJ tasted insanely good yesterday. I got to about 5pm on OJ alone and then decided I had to push the boundaries and went to whole foods for some veggie soup. I ended up buying a sourdough roll as well. I was not supposed to go beyond the juice on day one but I had no real problems. I ate the food extremely slow. A small soup and the roll took me about 3 hours to eat. Gotta admit I was scared. But then after an hour and no issues, I ended up pushing again and ate two small dark chocolate squares. Still no issues. I think I ate more than my body really wanted but it was actually quite pleasant.

I don't know what I was thinking today but I ate some pop tarts and immediately felt sleepy and fuzzy headed. Those things have gotta be so bad for you. Bad planning was a big culprit there. I also have to remember the beauty of eating slowly. That was one of the things I did on the fast, and yesterday that really helped me. I am terrible about scarfing down food.

Also of note is that my bowels haven't quite awoken so I am looking forward to getting my intestines empty again. There is always the smooth move tea but I am trying to avoid that. I can feel the weight of the bread I ate yesterday. It is going to be a challenge, but I am looking forward to eating more raw foods. I certainly notice the difference.

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