Friday, March 13, 2009

The importance of Importance

I was reading my friend Justin's blog and he was talking about what we regard as important. Making sure to make the distinction between what we REALLY think is important as opposed to the things we feel we "should". His response was "the road less travelled". When I thought about it, the first thing that came to mind clearly was "being a participant in my life". If I am not being actively creative or feeling passion towards something, I feel dead. Taking responsibility for my own growth is super important too.

The picture here is of the piece that Mr. S and I worked on this past weekend. It stands tall at about 5x4 ft and resides above the dj booth in his room. I love it. And I love that we did it together. About 6 hours of little talking, lots of music and comedy on the stereo. And damnit if taking something to completion doesn't feel good!

Justin's post also inspired me to write out a list here of the things I would like to be accomplishing. Some of them are more lofty than others but I think putting paper to pen somehow empowers the intention. So here goes:

Sing more live shows outside of Big Band gigs
stand up at least once on a surf board
be in good shape by summer
cut out refined sugar from my diet
create a high end macrobiotic dinner party menu
re-do the art on my walls with photography or new paintings
get over my fear of dancing
at least one more animated VO gig
go on vacation somewhere

I will do these things before the end of summer. Yep!

1 comment:

Justin Davis Davanzo said...

oh jujubee...i am flattered and so stoked that you are living your life for you...that is the best thing to hear go girl.